The creative MIND
behind the BOOK
Welcome to another installment of my finding “The Can in my Can’t” series.
As a mother of two boys, I know how challenging it can be to get them to learn, and how boring it can be for parents night after night at the kitchen table not wanting to learn it either. But rather than complain about it (to deaf ears), I wanted to take one area I am truly passionate about and see if I could find a solution to making learning more fun, while effective as well.
Imagine what you could do if you challenged the can’t’s in your life…
Writing has played a crucial part in my daily life from jotting important things down on pieces of paper to enhancing my mental health. Writing is an expression of who you are and since there are no rules, it can be whatever you need it to be beginning with a safe place for self discovery. Mine is a flurry of journals and papers filled with lots of color and scribbles. Just like me! My hope is that anyone who does this workbook will fall in love with writing and experience its power for themselves.
Born a Canadian, I recently met my handsome American and moved to north of Seattle, Washington, where we serve and adore four rescued cats. Personal exploration and evolution are my greatest passions, along with spending time with the people I love, hunting for sea glass and outdoor holiday decorating.

the can
in my can't
The first time I challenged myself was with the word “artistic” because I will never claim to be an artist. Artists create breathtaking pieces of art by drawing, using paint or even simply coloring which I can’t do. What I can do is hire an artist, use an overhead projector, sharpies and some paint samples to create this “glorified paint by number” garden wall outside my home. It took some very early morning starts, a little help from my hubby and three summers to do so. This mural has become a gift to the community for it was featured twice on the front page of the local newspaper, has become a trading post for the county’s rock painting community (Skagit County Rocks!) and a Pokemon Go stop.
The painted rocks are courtesy of local artists!

the second challenge
My second challenge was with the word “author” for I can’t write a story or even think about drawing one. In this case, what I can do is be like Henry Ford and surround myself with the talent that does and Voila! Crack the Cursive Code cursive writing story/workbook was born.
so, what's next
My brain has so many creative ideas, and there are already two more books in the works and plans for a very special holiday book
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